Hello all you insane viewers! today i bring you another outfit that escaped my asylum and i think he believes in the supernatural! Now what events im i covering in this photo? Epiphany&Seasons Story's&Kustom9Also today ill be Redoing my blog page with my Sponsor badge's (i know i should of done this a long time ago!) being placed up cause if you view my blogs but not my FB you don't know who im covering! And Good new's as well Im Officially now covering Dappa! Now whats the rateing? Its a 9/10 It would have a higher rateing but this outfit does reach a good Fit but It does not scream to me anything unique but something you can wear real quick. So with that said lets get to the credits!
Hair:*Drot* Jacob - 2 Tone - COMMON NOT ANIMATED Currently Sold at Epiphany Gatcha! (please know if you cant get into the event check MP Resellers but the event is still going on 3 day's after opening!) Im SO happy Drot made a new hair this is one of the common's now it does say Two-tone but i feel it would be a little to bright to change it so i kept the default color in the hair and not change it in the HUD The Rare is Animated version of the hair which moves parts of the hair which i have and i might cover later on although it looks exactly the same.
Hairbase:L'Etre - Shaved Hairbase [Black],L'etre Just released a new hairbase for guys today at his main store i will be covering it soon plus his hairs at MOM!
Head:Catwa Daniel Head, Again Daniel Head was updated today of posting this with a Static version of the heads and i hear the female catya head as well! it truly does show Miss catwa really doe's care about her customers! (Please note my head shape is custom made by my self so it will look different at purchase! also Fun fact i took this photo same day i bought the head!)
Skin:L'Etre Skin Shop - Daniel Skin [Pearl Tone],Im still very much in love with this skin but over all the skins i bought each every one i bought on Sl for the past few months Go on very well Unless it was made for a Specific head as stated! but L'etre Daniel skin is my Top Suggestion right now(Please note the eyebrow's do come with the skin!)
Eye's: Catwa Mesh Eye's, There is no news on any eyes on SL that im looking forward too but i im on search for omega eye's that give a Special Look
Ear's:L'Etre Horn mesh ears,I really hope David Works on new mesh ear's soon as i REALLY REALLY would love a new pair as i keep on finding my self re-blogging his horn,stretched ear's
Facial Piercing's: CX Catya Bento Piercings,Snakebites,Medusa,Labret Currently sold at Seasons Story's If you checked my blog yesterday don't let the name fool you These piercings DO work with the daniel head!
Facial Tattoo:.Inhale. Hellraiser Face Tattoo,Inhale tattoo's are very great If you like Geometric and Very Odd designs that really show lately he's been AFK but im sure he will show up at events in NO time to release something new!
Body:Signature gianni body,The only new's for signature is the signature event is 2 days away and they just released there Designers for Round 2 and i cant wait! also in mesh body new's Vista animations will finish there female hands today in a update and I know this has nothing to do with us GUY'S but from what i seen Vista barne's post around is once he finished the females its all hands on deck (ha see what i did there?) For male version's of the hands! right now you can alpha test the slink body and signature coming soon they will be releasing hands for each mesh body but these two are the only CONFIRMED right now.
Skin:L'etre Gianni Muscle applier PEARL TONE
Tattoo:DAPPA - Baptism Tattoo. Only in Swagbag December 2016,Like i said Im now a blogger for the Dappa brand and im so excited as there was so many people trying for the position and im 1 out of 14 in the selected group for 2017 so this is a huge milestone for me and i cant wait to show you all what Dappa will bring to you all in 2017!
Top:4.::GB:: Hoodie/ Black 1 Common Sold at Epiphany Gatcha,I love this hoodie but it does not fit on the signature body well as if you look close on my photo shop edit i have a alpha issue that's not NOTICEABLE inworld but close up you can see through my body around the chest so please remember that it also comes with a undershirt for the hoodie or you can have a none undershirt The rare for this is a Popular Off shoulder Leather jacket which i got! and ill cover soon!
Pants:5.::GB:: Color denib pants / Black Common Currently sold at Epiphany Gatcha. ,these pants work very well i had no issues with them and i think i can wear anything with them!
Shoes::PARKER: James.Chucks.VINOUS.[SIGNATURE] Common Currently sold at Epiphany gatcha, I love Parker's take on some classic Chuck taylor look on these shoes as they have that shiny leather look and im trying to grab the HUD that's the rare to get these in full black im sure ill get it soon! (there is a little clipping with the pants and the shoes together but its not all that noticeable but if you are a stickler for details and such you might want to pick a different style for both of these items)
ninety - Area 51 Set [ backdrop & furniture ] Currently sold at Kustom9, I love the Alien vibe from this whole back drop and its a very cheap back ground with all the furniture is included!
Well that will wrap up this blog for today and im shoving this outfit back into my asylum! with a 9/10 rateing make sure to keep your eye out on this blog as some Cosmetic changes will happen soon! Thank you for viewing and i hope you have a great day! if you have any questions about this outfit or want to leave a comment do so down below! or if you want to contact me directly follow me on my FB Fan page!
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