
Fall Like A Stone

Hello all you insane viewers today i bring you another outfit with a 10/10 rating that has a punk/alternative look that i really enjoyed putting togather for you all . the event's i cover in this photo are TMD,Creators collection box,MOM,Foodfair Signature event started today so i will be switching over to the Signature full body Including the head to cover all the items! so with that said let's get to the credits.
Hair:*Drot* Tobi -  Greyscale @ MOM,Drot has made another hair for MOM i love this hair as the hang off in front of the face gives it that alternative look well worth the L plus you can get this in different color's glad to see he's still making stuff!(Hair base im wearing is Dura just buy one of his hair's and it comes with the hairbase!)
Head:Catwa Daniel head,Catwa has Drop L'etre as skin for her head's due to lot of evidence towards david stealing and at this point this blogger thinks its very true as if catwa dropped him then it has to be stolen which is why once straydog convert's his skins over im dropping l'etre from my blogging page and will be covering Cleaf deu peau skin's only i hope you all will join me and not support a thief Catwa&StrayDog have switched over to Cleaf dea peau as will i hope you all understand.
Ear's:Swallow gauged ears
Skin:STRAY DOG - GUILHERME CATWA - PEARL@ Mad pea food fair
Shape:Reach - Jason Male Shape,Reach has made shape for Guilherme skin and this is it you can try this shape on other skins but i like this shape it gives it a very bulky face look but not to much the folder comes with a style card for his ad and face shape and Eyebrow shape!
Eyes:Catwa mesh eyes
Facial Tattoo:[Fatal Seduction] - Live life  Tattoo,Fatal seduction released some applier's for faces for female and male it works for mesh heads and is omega friendly so go pick this one up !
Body:Signature gianni body,Vista animation bento hands
Skin:L'etre gianni muscle applier Pearl tone,Please dont support this man i only provide this so you know what exactly im wearing hope you understand  (I will be changeing skin provider's soon!)
Top:FATPACK [SEMLLER HOODED BOMBER] @ TMD,I dont know semller all that well but i know they have made some very cool designs at past event's but this top is by far my favorite from them with the stenical work on the back which is also ONLY included if you buy the fat pack with is 1.2k L range i know it's lot but this jacket has some of the best texturing and detail there is little speck's of Stains on the jacket that you can see and the HUD is so detailed to change parts of the hoodie that make it worth that little L but if you don't care for designs on the back you can easily pick out a color and just have the hoodie it fit's multiple mesh body's and takes simple Alphaing to fit.
Pants:::GB::Boots in color Denim pants/ Black @ Creators collection box, GB released new pant's that works for multiple mesh body's and it comes in different color's and also his boots with limited exclusive colors that are only for the event!
 Shoes(Not shown in Main photo!):::GB::Strap Boots /(Limited) Ivoly@ Creators collection box, These shoes are limited colorway exclusive to the event and i suggest if you want it you better go pick it up fast before it's gone! these are rigged to the jean's design but you can try to experiment with other pant's
The Sim i took this photo at can be found HERE!
(Please check my past blog's for item's i did not cover!)
Well that will wrap up this blog for today with a 10/10 rating if you are a punk/alternative person this is the look for you i hope you enjoyed it now im gonna shove this outfit back into my asylum as it's to crazy to be out! thank you for viewing and i hope you have a great day! if you have a question about this outfit or want to leave a comment do so down below. Join the asylum today to keep up with my crazyness on social media!

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